Holding Cross

“The message of the cross is folly for those who do not believe but for those of us who are believers it is power and wisdom of God”

Holding Cross $20 ea, $25 with Linen Gift Bag and Prayer card (digital copy)

The cross is central to the mystery of the Christian life. Over time it has become the symbol of Jesus’  triumph over suffering and death.

The holding cross, fitting comfortably into our hand can bring hope and peace in the midst of suffering in the assurance that we are not alone. Jesus has trodden this path before us and is with us still bringing the hope of suffering transformed into enduring life and love.

Mary MacKillop chose to be called “Sister Mary of the Cross”. She wrote to her mother: ‘My name in religion is Mary of the Cross. No name could be more dearer to me’.

Mary saw the cross as an expression of her commitment to God and her personal relationship to Jesus. She spoke of walking with all those who were struggling and suffering in life and needed hope and encouragement on the way.

Please visit MMHC Gift Shop for more specials.


For further information please contact:

Mary MacKillop Heritage Centre

362 Albert Street, EAST MELBOURNE VIC 3002

Phone: 03 9926 9300

Email: admin.mmhc@sosj.org.au