Conversation With Mary – October 2024
At Home in Scotland
While waiting for Rome to study the Constitutions, Mary travelled to Scotland to meet some of her relatives and also to accept any donations towards her needs etc. On 27th October 1873, Mary wrote to her mother from Drimmin, where she was staying with Lady Gordon,
Mary writes...
“Here I am in Lady Gordon’s drawing-room with that good holy soul, her daughter and another lady beside me. We have just had Mass in their Oratory this morning said by Fr Mackay, a very old priest who said he was at Lismore with Papa, and that later still knew him in Rome.
Lady Gordon has received me with open arms, and is delighted saying it is the first time a female religious has been in this part of the country. She is a charming old lady and deeply interested in anything connected with religion and especially with people from these parts. She enquired minutely about poor Papa and all the family and remembered them all. How wonderful that without knowing it, I should come to the very part where they were all so well known.”
“Won’t it cheer you, my own dear Mamma, to know that your child sees the parts you have so known and loved, and meets so many who have known and loved you? I am a changed being in appearance since I came here.
Mrs Vaughan says I am getting quite rosy.
…but just to let you see that I am at home, and with kind good friends.”
Reflection Questions
How would you describe Mary’s emotions while she was in Scotland?
Recall a time when you went to a place that felt like home?
Reflect on your own emotions. Does where you live now feel like Home? Can you describe why…
JOYS OF HOME LIFE from Australian Psalms, Bruce Prewer
For our homes in the past and homes of today:
For the intimate fun of family celebrations and guests at our table:
For the cries and cooing of a first baby and the thrill of watching growth:
For children who chatter and make-believe, for dolls and birthday parties:
For pets that make our home their own:
For strong walls that keep storms out and protect our families:
For the love that binds us together and allows us to be honest with each other:
For forgiveness sought and forgiveness given:
For our ancestors who looked to the future and crossed dangerous seas:
For the characteristics that have been inherited by us and enhance our lives:
For what the future may bring that we may accept it as God’s loving gift:
For the MacKillops and MacDonalds who made their home in Australia and gave us Mary MacKillop:
Response: Let us praise the Lord for the goodness we have recieved
Thank you God for our home Australia.
For the freedoms and blessings we enjoy.
May we always appreciate the gifts our country offers and treat them with respect.
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